Marinella Giunta
University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria
Marinella Giunta is Associate Professor of Roads Railways and Airports at University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, Italy. She received her PhD in Road Infrastructures Engineering from University of Palermo, Italy. Her main research interests include Environmental sustainability of road and railway constructions, Life Cycle Cost of the railway track, Life Cycle Assessment of road pavement and railway superstructures, Traditional, innovative and recycled bituminous mixtures for road pavement, Constitutive modelling of bituminous mixtures, Operating speeds and geometric characteristics of the roads, Railway vibrations, Road accidents. She authored 100 papers published in prestigious journals and presented in national and international conferences.
Prof. Giunta is involved in many national and international research projects among that the Italian National Center for Sustainable Mobility. She is member of PIARC (World Road Association), SIIV (Italian Society for Road Infrastructures), AIIT (Italian Association for Transport and Traffic Engineering). She's editorial board member of several Scopus-indexed journals. Asscientistic consultant, she’s involved in several projects of Italian road and railway infrastructures.