Surendra Shah

University of Texas

Dr. Surendra Shah is distinguished for his seminal research on synthesizing engineering mechanics and material science. Professor Shah has made unique, original and extensive contributions to better understand and define properties of cement-based materials and developing new advanced materials which has become a world standard in these fields. He is responsible for developing high performance concrete, fibre reinforced concrete, self-consolidating concrete, shrinkage reducing admixtures, carbon nano-tube reinforced cement based composites and extrusion processing of concrete. These have revolutionized the way modern concretes are used worldwide. Dr. Shah has been recognized with many awards and honors, notably he is a member of the National Academy of Inventors, National Academy of Engineering, Academy of Athens, Chinese Academy of Engineering, Indian Academy of Engineering, and the Russian Academy of Engineering. Dr. Shah is currently the Director of the Center for Advanced Construction Materials and Presidential Distinguished Professor at the University of Texas at Arlington and Emeritus Professor at Northwestern University.